01 Nov 2017
Images illustrating a blog about bonfire night fire safety

This weekend, people all over the country will be attending bonfires, having their own at home or work, and letting off fireworks. This is to celebrate Bonfire Night, a very old and popular tradition in the UK.

Of course, this weekend will be a great opportunity to have some fun with friends and family, but as professional installers of fire alarms and equipment, IDES UK always have safety on our minds! We are going to run through some basic bonfire night safety tips, especially for those of you planning on hosting your own celebrations and also take a look at where bonfire night comes from.

Where Does Bonfire Night Come From?


BoImages illustrating a blog about bonfire night fire safetynfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night or Firework Night, is a commemorative event, observed each year on November 5th. It is mainly only observed in the UK. As told in the popular children’s nursery rhyme, the event is an annual day of thanksgiving for the failure of the Gunpowder plot.


Guy Fawkes, was arrested in 1605 whilst guarding explosives that had been placed beneath the House of Lords. The plot to blow up Parliament was discovered and people all over London lit bonfires to celebrate. The reason the tradition has lasted so long, is that the day is an official Act of Parliament.



Tips for Keeping Safe


People celebrate Bonfire Night in various ways. They may attend a public bonfire and firework display, or decide to hold their own. If holding your own celebrations, fire safety must be a top priority to ensure that everyone has a fun, and safe evening.Images illustrating a blog about bonfire night fire safety


If you plan on having a firework display at your place of work, the Health and Safety Executive offer a downloadable PDF with great advice and tips. Now, we know that firework and the fire will be held outdoors, so an indoor fire risk shouldn’t be high, but accidents happen and fire can quickly spread to buildings, or a errant firework could land on a roof.


This is why it is essential that fire alarm systems are in good working order and should be checked before the Guy Fawkes night fun begins.


If you are attending a public bonfire, please take time to read the excellent tips here. Its especially important to brief children on what, and what not to do around fireworks and fires.


Fire Alarm Installation Service


Images illustrating a blog about bonfire night fire safetyWhile we are talking about Bonfire Night and fire risk, it would of course be appropriate to talk about fire alarms and their installation. There is also no better time than right now to ensure that your alarms are in good working order, or indeed get sorted if you don’t already have a system in place.


According to recent statistics, the vast majority of fires and injuries that happen on Bonfire Night, happen at private parties and events. If you are hosting an event for employees, family or friends, then it is your responsibility to ensure their safety.


IDES UK offer fire alarm services for both commercial and domestic properties. We provide a professional, efficient and cost effective service which includes; system design, installation, fire alarm panel upgrades, alterations to existing installations, testing and commissioning, and of course that all important maintenance and aftercare.


Once your installation is complete, we conduct a handover with your nominated representatives. We will demonstrate how to operate the system and how to test the installation. After that we will leave you with full system drawings, certification and a fire log book.


Get In Touch


We hope you have a fun packed, safe Bonfire Night – any questions about fire alarms or fire regulations then don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Please email enquiry@idesuk.com or call 08432 894645.


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