- BY Rachel Weinhold

Today, the phrase ‘energy efficiency’ is chucked around like a beach ball. We hear it on the news, in meetings and in general conversation. But, it’s wide use seems to have kind of diluted its importance. We hear so much about being energy efficient, that we no longer actually hear anything at all. It’s all just words.
At IDES, we very much still believe in the importance of energy efficiency. You may too – most people do – but do you actually know that much about it? Do you know why a business should be energy efficient and how it can benefit you? Do you actually do anything to actively be energy efficient?
If yes to all the above, then great! But stick with us anyway – you may learn something new. If no, then you have no other option than to stick with us. This is important and you need to know about it.
What is Energy Efficiency?
We’ll keep this brief. Basically, energy efficiency means using less power and electricity whilst giving the same service. So, when you wash your clothes at 30 degrees instead of 40, you’re getting the same result of clean clothes but you’re using less energy.
Now, let’s look at why it’s important, particularly for businesses.
Save the Planet
The most obvious reason is helping out the planet. This is our home; it’s the only one we’ve got and we won’t be getting another anytime soon, so we need to look after it. For the future and for right now.
The UK is set on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% in 2050 to help our future on this Earth. Yet, it’s thought that around 50% of our emissions as a country are caused by business activities (which is crazy but true), which means that you as a business have a responsibility to help our country. If the businesses don’t step up, we won’t lower our emissions and the future of this planet remains very unstable.
The Law
Though there aren’t too many strict rules in place yet, we think they’re probably on their way. With climate change on the tongues of many politicians we can’t see it being long before businesses are made to take a look at how they run in a more eco-conscious way. There’s already a scheme in place for large companies (classed as those with 250+ employees and a turnover of £38,937,777 and above), known as ESOS, but for small companies there isn’t too much.
There is the Climate Change Levy and stricter energy efficiency building regulations in place. There are also other tax schemes for becoming more energy efficient that you should look into.
Save your Cash
By being more energy efficient, it makes sense that you’re going to be saving money. You pay for the amount of energy you use, so by using less you’re going to pay less. This will in turn give you more money to re-invest in your business or take as profit. Who would say no to that?
Build your Business Identity
People do pay attention to a company’s values so it pays to tap into that. By being able to claim energy efficiency and show what you’re doing to work towards a brighter future for everyone, people will connect with you. They’ll be more likely to use your services or buy your products because they believe in you as a company.
You can also partner with companies with similar energy values, making connections across a range of industries. This can help solidify your business, making you more trusted by consumers and getting your name out there.
How IDES Can Help You
So, by now, you can hopefully see that energy efficiency is a big deal. But where do you even begin? With us. IDES can help you on your way to becoming an energy efficient company.
Our LED products AUTOLUX and BOOTHLUX 1 & 2, which are exclusive to IDES and designed by us, are incredibly energy efficient. In fact, they’ll all bring you energy savings of between 40%-50% and upwards compared to other LED lights. That’s a pretty amazing figure.
On the whole, LEDs are more energy efficient lighting solutions anyway, whichever product you get. Ours is significantly higher, but you’ll still be working towards less energy consumption by switching from traditional illumination methods. Even if LEDs are more expensive than their higher energy consuming alternatives (which isn’t always the case), the amount you’ll save on bills will cover the difference. It’s a no-brainer.
Get in Touch
If you’ve seen the light (sorry, bad joke) and want to switch to our LEDs for a more energy efficient business, get in touch with us today. We can answer any of your questions and start looking for the right products for you.